Online Help Process Modeler

Script installation

Script installation

The wizard tries to detect if the last known schema already exists in the database. If all tables needed are found you can choose the option to use the existing instance and eventually to proceed to the next step. If there is no known repository instance found you can only install the repository based on the given schema name.

In the quick setup mode you can only install or reinstall the repository schema with the default schema name. If  the schema exists, but some tables are missing, the option to reinstall the schema is enabled by default. You can use this option to reinstall the schema.
Note: Reinstalling the schema causes the loss of the data stored in the schema and this process can not be reversed!  Make sure there is not valuable data in the schema prior to reinstalling of the schema.
Additionally,  if an existing schema was found, you can still create a new schema by using the “create new repository schema…” option. Please note that if you install a schema with new name beside the existing schema, the wizard looses all information on the previous schema and treats the new schema as the working schema. Thus the old schema is still existing and you can try to remove it by using the remove repository schema wizard option later.
Parameters used for the schema name are taken from the schema information. Normally the name used is taken from the existing schema and incremented by one but you can use any name beside the last found existing schema. You must enter the schema password and repeat it to be able to proceed with the installation.

Finally you can enable the option to install the default repository user with the wizard application. In quick setup mode you can not install additional users, so in that case it is recommended to leave this option checked. The name used is the current windows name on the machine running the wizard.
After you have chosen the appropriate option, you can use the install button to install the repository,  or, alternatively, the next button in case you have chosen to use the existing schema. The next chapter: create default connection explains the functionality behind the default connection creation.